Multi-dimensional marine organisms dataviewer

A bouquet of cells

Organism : Lancelet Amphioxus
Species : Branchiostoma lanceolatum
Description : Early cleavage of the cephalochordate amphioxus is a very coordinated process, giving rise, in a few rounds of cell divisions, to a hollow blastula. After this stage asynchronous cells divisions will start. A bouquet of cells Grossissement : 40X Système : Confocal Type d'échantillon : PFA fixed embryo Information sur le marquage : Hoechst overstaining Information sur l'image : 3,523 pixels/micron Contexte biologique : Study and characterization of the embryonic development of amphioxus Post-processing appliqué à l'image : Projection max en z
Project : Concours photo MICA
Attributions : João E. Carvalho, Michael Schubert
Website :
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Tags : Hoechst Blastula Development Cleavage
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