Multi-dimensional marine organisms dataviewer

Supplementary Movie 7. DNA can polarize the egg cortex in ascidians as in mouse oocytes.

Organism : Ascidian
Species : Phallusia mammillata
Description : Unfertilized eggs were injected with MAP7::GFP to label the microtubules and left overnight to translate protein product. The following day the injected eggs were bathed in Hoechst 33342 (10µg/ml) to label the chromosomes and 2µM nocodazole to depolymerize the microtubules and then fertilized. Upper row of images : bright field images; second row of images: chromosomes blue; third row of images: microtubule green; bottom row of images: overlay of green and blue images. The meiotic spindle microtubules depolymerized and formed a mass around the egg chromosomes (first column of images). An outpocket forms (second column of images). The outpocket resorbs into the egg (last column of images). n=8.
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Tags : Hoechst MAP7::GFP Nocodazole Fertilized Egg
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