Multi-dimensional marine organisms dataviewer

3D rendering of microtubules during UCD

Organism : Ascidian
Species : Phallusia mammillata
Description : Unfertilized Phallusia eggs injected with Ens::3GFP (green). 3D-renedered confocal z-planes showing astral microtubule behavior merged with brightfiled images from an 8-cell stage embryo. Note the size and behavior of the asters nearest the CAB (bottom right blastomeres) versus those far from the CAB in the B4.1 blastomeres.
Attributions : Costache Vlad, McDougall Alex
Publication : Kif2 microtubule depolymerase is required for unequal cell division and localizes to a subdomain of cortical endoplasmic reticulum
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